In recent years, PM&P has been ranking high on the list of leading law firms in this area, too, serving numerous power generation and distribution companies, financial institutions and investment companies, thus acquiring substantial experience not only in the drafting of various documents and contracts but also in providing full coordination at every stage of the process, including the design, development, financing and implementation of projects in the field of renewable energy and gas supply. Our legal advice covers the generation, transmission, distribution of and trade in electricity and natural gas. PM&P has gained considerable experience in handling administrative procedures on behalf of generators, traders and end-users venturing into the free energy market, the preparation of contracts for the supply and purchase of electric power and natural gas and the construction and connection of new energy facilities to the transmission and distribution grids.


Particularly valuable is our experience accumulated in the implementation of projects for power generation from renewable energy sources, as well in preparing alternative schemes for financing such projects. Our participation in the different stages of drafting the Concessions Act has deepened our insight and improved the effectiveness of our services in the area of concession regimes, including in relation to mining for underground mineral resources, as well as the regulatory framework in the water supply and sanitation sector. The PM&P team has good practical experience in appeal procedures before administrative and judicial authorities concerning energy and regulatory matters.

Contact person

Nikolay Voynov
Partner, Head of Energy & Environmental
Ivan Markov
Vice-Chairman & Partner
Boris Lazarov
Managing Partner