Penkov, Markov & Partners has been awarded the prize for “Law Firm of the Future”
Penkov, Markov & Partners took part and won the prestigious first prize within the “Law Firm of the Future” competition, organized by the European Bars Federation (EBF).

The clear-cut, precise and distinguishable vision for the development of our law firm, as presented by our fellow attorneys-at-law Rumyana Yordanova and Gabriela Hristova, was uncompromisingly recognized as dominating among over 100 other presentations and various future strategies within the course of the competition’s first round.


Only a limited number of 11 participants from all over Europe (including Turkey) have been qualified for the final round that took place in Wroclaw, Poland on 12th April 2019. Each team disposed of the concise 15 minutes to present its views and to convince the others in the sustainable and successful development of its business plan for the future.


According to the highly respected jury the strategy of Penkov, Markov & Partners deserved a standing ovation due to its distinguishability among the rest of the presentations, as it took into account a number of relevant factors: relation with the clients and taking into account the individual needs and respective approach; innovation within the provision of services; sustainability and development of the law firm similar to the ones of the corporate giants, as well as presentational skills – communication and energy of the team.


Upon winning the prize our team is honored with the opportunity to once again present its work – this time before the whole Congress of FBE, which shall take place in Barcelona between 30th May and 1st June 2019.