Penkov, Markov & Partners among the finalists at Forbes Business Аwards 2020
Penkov, Markov & Partners Law Firm has received a well-deserved recognition from the leading international media Forbes Magazine

In this year's edition of the prestigious Forbes Business Awards 2020, the jury of the competition praised the achievements of the Penkov, Markov & Partners team over the past year and ranked the company among the finalists in the “Services” category.


The nomination among the finalists was determined through a Forbes poll among a jury of 100 business leaders, who unanimously voted to nominate the firm among the top 3 companies with the highest quality services in the country during the past business year.


This is yet another high recognition for Penkov, Markov & Partners and an excellent appraisal of the firm's expert legal advice, extensive expertise, high team spirit and professionalism.