Penkov, Markov & Partners together with Lex Mundi - 25 years of excellence

To celebrate together over 25 years of excellence Penkov, Markov and Partners were honorably visited by the Lex Mundi President and CEO – Mrs. Helena Samaha and Head of Europe, Global Markets – Mrs. Celeste Peverett.


The meeting was held in the head office in Sofia and was focused on a presentation from our guest on the most recent updates related to some knowledge management tools of the leading global network of independent law offices.


In turn, PM&P presented its sophisticated intranet system.


Following our insightful discussions, we enjoyed a delightful dinner together, where new ideas were born. The relaxed atmosphere allowed for fruitful exchanges, fostering a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives and strengthening the bonds of our partnership.


We are sure that this collaboration should lead to nothing less than perfection in the servicing of our clients.


We are extremely proud to be the exclusive trusted member firm for Bulgaria of such a modern and dedicated organization like Lex Mundi.