1. First of all, the draft spatial development plans (detailed spatial plans and general spatial plans), their amendments and the plans in force, building permits, approved investment projects, certificates of commissioning and others will be published in the Unified System.
2. The Unified System will permit retrieving information from the Centralized Electronic Platform (“CEP”) under the Public Procurement Act. CEP is in principle used for public procurement assignment and tendering, and the information that can be extracted from it through the Unified System relates to the persons engaged by the state or the municipality to draft spatial plans and investment projects, and the amount of remuneration.
3. Data will be exchanged between the Unified System and the cadastral registers, which means that the cadastral map will be maintained in full compliance with the approved and enacted detailed spatial plans.
Furthermore, the proposed amendments aim to significantly modernise the processes related to design and construction through digitalisation.
It is foreseen that a number of acts will be produced only in electronic form, for example – assignments for the preparation of development plans, the very development plans, together with the text and graphic parts thereof, permits for the preparation of detailed spatial plans, orders for the amendment of detailed spatial plans, investment projects (in all their phases) and their non-separated documentation, design visas, building permits, executive documentation, etc.
However, in the case of so-called sixth category constructions (i.e. temporary constructions, buildings of complementary construction, retaining walls, fences, etc.) it is foreseen that applications and construction documentation may be coordinated and submitted on paper.
The changes are particularly important for companies operating in the field of design and construction, as many of these administrative procedures (drawing up and amending the detailed spatial plan, issuing building permits, coordinating investment projects, etc.) are usually not executed very expeditiously. The proposed digitalisation is expected to shorten procedural deadlines and significantly facilitate businesses.