A draft law amending the Statistics Act aims to introduce electronic mechanisms for the submission of annual financial reports and other statistical documents to the National Statistical Institute (“NSI”). This is to be done by creating a so-called “single entry point for the submission of annual activity reports containing statistical summaries, accounting documents and annual financial statements”. One of the objectives is to avoid (as is currently the case) the double submission of data for the annual financial statements of enterprises - to the NSI and to the Commercial and Non-Profit Register (“CNPR”). In practice, the data will be submitted to the single point of the NSI, whereas subsequently it will be sent to the Registry Agency ex officio.
The draft law aims to modernize and facilitate the processes of collection, processing and access to statistical data, and it is envisaged that the changes will enter into force on 01.01.2027.
The aim is also to standardise the formats in which data is submitted. All interested parties will have access to statistical data in the information systems and the focus will be on generating and exporting data in standard and machine-readable formats (e.g. XML, XSLT). This would allow the companies to automatically extract data by exporting or importing from software products - accounting, payroll, ERP, etc. systems. This would significantly facilitate the conversion and submission of data to the NSI.
The amendments provide for the Council of Ministers to determine by decree the range of legal entities that are obliged to publish their financial statements through the single point of the NSI. The Registry Agency should ensure the technical feasibility and interoperability between the NSI single entry point and the CNPR.
According to the envisaged related changes in the Accounting Act, the publication of annual financial statements, declarations of inactivity and other documents under the profiles of the companies will be carried out automatically in the CNPR except for joint stock companies and companies whose accounts are subject to mandatory independent financial audit.
The emphasis on electronic filing, accessibility and standardisation is aimed at reducing the administrative burden on enterprises and improving the quality and usability of statistical information. It remains to be seen whether the amendments will be adopted, and consequently how the regulation will be further developed at sub-legislative level before its entry into force.